As Venus crosses over Mercury, feminine desires are brought into human form. A powerful plant spirit leads 13 witches on a psychedelic journey of lust, passion and desire driven by the fight between their inner demons and divine sources. Join them on their "TRIP" and experience a night of burlesque, pole dancing, aerial, fire performances, live art and music.
Sound Curation by Patrick Busby
Tea served by: Matylda Wiacek
Sound Healing by Portal to Ascension
Massage by Natural Beauty
Doors open at 8:30pm and the show starts at 9:00pm
$14 pre-sale
$18 at door
Buy Tickets Here:
Ritual Burlesque Cast:
Shacole Hamlett @jedigoesgogo
Natural Beauty
Leah Estella Abdenour
Kyla Malota
Crystal Rose Mantecón
Sharyn Scott
DiDi Snipes
Jessica Cortez
Jehan Izhar
Hannah Grigereit
Ma'ayan Dembo
Marissa Garcia
Marisa Joan
"I am delighted and inspired to do a second year! This is an incredible vision that taps into the psychedelic experience of all women as they journey into different aspects of themselves and seek out expansion. Plant medicine may be the catalyst in our story but catalysts exist in many forms for you. Witchy Warriors. ♡" -LEAH
6007 S. St. Andrews Place, Los Angeles CA