This is a possibility for you to personally participate and be a part of providing warmth and shelter from the upcoming rains for many whose homes where destroyed in the devastating Earthquake in Nepal.
On Thursday, July 9th we will be gathering for a community meeting to discuss our Relief for Nepal Fundraiser and Initiative. Our initial goal is to raise $73,000 to purchase building materials, supplies and other resources in preparation for the imminent monsoon season. We are calling upon all who feel inspired to join forces as we gather to see what miracles we can create for these beautiful people who have endured so much.
As part of our fundraising efforts, on July 22, 2015 Peacelink Live!, Electric Soul, and Grateful Generation are hosting a concert at Le Jardin, one of Hollywoods Hottest New Ultra Lounges, to raise funds and awareness in an ongoing initiative to provide relief and help to rebuild Nepal. You have an opportunity to directly contribute to the success of this initiative.
Over 8,500 people were killed, 20,000 injured, hundreds of thousands have been left homeless, and nearly 2 million children have been affected. In some cases, whole villages were destroyed by shockwaves exceeding 7.8 magnitude. Just weeks later, as relief efforts began, the country was hit by another 7.3 magnitude earthquake. Relief is underway, but many of the hardest hit areas are remote villages, which are almost completely inaccessible and outside the scope of major organizations. Right now, displaced villagers are living under tarps, and the monsoon season is coming.
Through our LA-based community, we have been introduced to Larpak, a village in Nepal, desperately in need of help. We are coordinating with local village leaders to support their construction plans. Our community partner is currently constructing long-term, temporary housing for $300 a unit. Each unit houses a family of eight. We will be traveling to Nepal to deliver the relief first hand, help and oversee the building of new housing, and film as part of a continued campaign to assist in completing it's restoration.
We are looking for passionate, committed collaborators who are interested in supporting in a variety of ways! At this meeting we will be creating teams for fundraising, marketing, and talent to share their gifts at our event on the the 22nd. This an opportunity for all who would like to support our brothers and sisters overseas in a solid and tangible way to do so!
We look forward to sharing in this evening and to creating world-changing magic with you all!
In love and service,
The Relief for Nepal Team